APPlicant tracking system

Find the Best Applicants, Before Your Competitors

Automatically engage new applicants to ensure you're talking to qualified talent first. Get hours back in your day with a centralized location for tracking and communicating with all applicants from all sources.

Automated candidate sourcing and applicant tracking in Team Engine
Applicant Profile in Team Engine

Streamline Resume Review

Screening candidates and picking the right talent demands time and effort. Team Engine's intelligent ATS solution helps recruiting teams review resumes efficiently by pre-screening and confirming interest in the job via text message automation. It also filters on dimensions such as commute time, required licenses, and expected compensation.

The best part of Team Engine is how all applicant information can be stored in one place from the beginning of the hiring process to when they become employees. All applicants are funneled to one place, which helps me go through applicants quickly & efficiently. The ability to text applicants about screenings and interviews has also been a game-changer for our response rates.
Sarah Cash
Programs Administrator, Boys & Girls Club
automated candidate sourcing in Team Engine

Integrated With Job Boards

Team Engine’s applicant tracking system integrates with job boards like Indeed and ZipRecruiter to automatically display your job postings to job-seekers on the most popular job boards online. Elevate the candidate experience with a short, mobile-friendly application process. Use our AI-powered recommendations to improve job descriptions and implement industry best practices. The best part? Everyone funnels into Team Engine, regardless of the job board they applied from, where you can track and communicate with them throughout the hiring process.

Make Data-Driven Decisions with Reporting Dashboards

Team Engine's interactive dashboards tell you how the recruitment funnel is progressing in just one click. Identify and correct bottlenecks in the process to reduce time to hire. Learn which job boards are driving the most (and best) candidates, then double down on your investment. Monitor and track candidate engagement all in one place with Team Engine.

data reporting on applicant status, hiring progress, and employee retention in Team Engine
We love that Team Engine keeps all of our applicants in one place and makes it really easy to communicate with them. We no longer have to review applicants on multiple sites and therefore spend much less time reviewing applications, which allows us to communicate back to applicants sooner. We've made some really good hires this year as a result.
Amy Rush Howard
Administrative Support Manager, Summit Lawn & Landscape

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Try Team Engine's ATS

Automate your hiring process and streamline recruitment to make the right hiring decision in less time. Schedule a demo and trial to discuss your business-specific hiring requirements and get full access to our entire suite of hiring tools.

What you'll get:

Job listings on top job boards

Employee referral portal

AI-powered, keyword-rich sourcing for each job listing

Automated application screening to pick best-fit talent

Texting & emailing with applicants

Language translation for incoming and outgoing messages

Full support from our customer success team

Team Engine Feature

Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

Recruiting qualified talent for your business is no longer a challenge with our ATS software designed to do more than just track applicants. Team Engine automates manual tasks, keeps applicants engaged, and gives you access to more accurate data on your hiring efforts. With our customizable automations and all applicants consolidated into one centralized location, candidate communication is a breeze and recruiting takes a fraction of the time.

FAQs About Applicant Tracking System

What Is Applicant Tracking System Software?

An applicant tracking system (ATS) software is an electronic gatekeeper for an organization's recruitment process. It is a digital tool designed to streamline and improve the efficacy of recruitment by scanning, ranking, and managing job applications. A powerful tool in the hands of human resource teams and hiring managers, it frees up valuable time by automating repetitious tasks and analyzing large amounts of data with incredible precision.

An ATS starts to function as soon as a job posting is live. Potential candidates submit their resumes which an ATS can then scan, parse and store for the hiring personnel to review. This makes the hiring manager's job more manageable, as they can communicate with candidates, schedule interviews, give feedback, and more with just a few clicks.

What Is The Difference Between HRIS And ATS?

HRIS, which stands for human resources information system, governs various HR tasks, including payroll, benefits administration, time and attendance, training, and even performance reviews.

On the other hand, the ATS, or applicant tracking system, is an advanced tool that simplifies the recruitment process for businesses. The ATS is designed to manage and streamline the hiring cycle by literally "tracking" applicants. In essence, this system uploads job postings, organizes job applications, screens candidates, and even assists with the interview process by sorting applicants based on specific pre-set qualifications.

Hence, while both these systems are instrumental in decomplicating the HR functions, their key distinction lies in their functionalities. While HRIS handles a broader spectrum of HR tasks and is pivotal in leveraging data to provide analytics that assist businesses in decision making, the ATS predominantly focuses on enhancing the efficiency of the recruitment pipeline.

Do All Companies Use An ATS?

Jobs that are posted online, whether on the company's website or on recruitment sites, often use an ATS to streamline their application process. It offers a considerable boost in efficiency by computerizing administrative tasks, effectively speeding up the initial screening of applications. However, not all companies use an ATS to manage their hiring process.

The adoption of an ATS by companies largely depends upon a multitude of factors including the size of the company, the sector they operate in, and the resources they have access to. Small businesses or startups may not utilize an ATS due to the smaller volume of applications they deal with or financial constraints. Similarly, companies in traditional sectors may still rely on manual reviewing rather than software.

Therefore, while the use of an ATS has permeated many areas of talent acquisition, it would be untrue to assert that all companies use an ATS, considering diverse business cultures, resource abilities, and structural variances. ATS is a significant advancement in recruitment, but its uniform implementation across all companies is yet to be realized.

How Does An ATS Work?

An applicant tracking system, much like its name implies, is a software used by employers to assist in managing applications for job vacancies. It serves as a digital database where resumes and information can be stored, sorted, and analyzed. From an operational perspective, the complexity of how the ATS works is mirrored in its numerous features which deliver value to both employers and job seekers.

Among the top functions of an ATS is screening applications. It filters applications based on predetermined parameters such as keywords, past work experience, and educational qualifications. This feature reduces the workload of recruiters, as it swiftly eliminates unqualified candidates, only presenting the most fitting applicants for consideration.

Another vital feature in many of the top applicant tracking systems is the ability to automate communication. These systems can be set up to respond immediately to applicants, generating text messages or emails emails confirming receipt of applications, and even providing updates as their applications move through various stages of the recruitment process.

What Factors Should Be Considered When Purchasing An ATS?

When embarking on the quest to find the best applicant tracking software (ATS), particularly if you operate a small- or medium-sized business, several essential factors should be considered to assure the ultimate selection aligns with your specific needs and operational efficiency.

The journey towards purchasing an ATS should begin with a comprehensive understanding of the desired functionalities. The best applicant tracking software for small business entities should boast a user-friendly design that's intuitive to navigate even for novice users. It must also integrate seamlessly with existing business software and should not demand extensive modification of existing business processes.

Additionally, consider the volume of recruitment. For small businesses, an ATS that can efficiently manage moderate volumes while offering scalability for times of business growth would be ideal. Another aspect to contemplate is the quality of customer support services offered. Even the best applicant tracking software may occasionally confer a technical hitch requiring swift resolution to sustain the recruitment operations effortlessly.

Moreover, ensure the chosen ATS conveniently synchronizes with job boards and social media networks, thereby broadening the talent acquisition scope and enhancing the effectiveness of the recruitment process. Lastly, fundamental to the decision-making process is the budget; attaining a balance between functionality, scalability, ease of use, and cost remains pivotal for a small- or medium-sized business.

What Are The Benefits Of Using An Applicant Tracking System?

Applicant tracking systems offer myriad benefits to businesses. By automating the recruitment process, these innovative systems save time, enhance organizational efficiency, streamline communication, and yield significant ROI, effectively transforming the way companies recruit talent.

Time efficiency is among the primary advantages of using applicant tracking systems. By automating repetitive tasks such as sorting through resumes and highlighting pertinent ones, these systems free up ample time for human resource professionals. This time can then be wisely reinvested into other mission-critical tasks such as interviewing prequalified candidates and making informed hiring decisions. They also automate crucial processes such as application tracking, interview scheduling, and follow-ups, ensuring smooth, hassle-free recruitment management.

In the realm of communication, applicant tracking systems function as robust facilitators, unifying interactions among recruiters, hiring managers, and candidates. With their automated acknowledgment text messages and emails, schedule sharing features, and real-time updates, these systems foster seamless, timely communication, enhancing the overall recruitment experience.

Lastly, the deployment of applicant tracking systems yields significant return on investment (ROI). It cuts down on administrative costs, augments employee productivity, reduces hiring cycle times, and improves the quality of recruits.