The Best HR Recruitment Platforms for Blue-Collar Industries

What to look for in HR recruitment software when you're hiring deskless workers in industries like landscaping, manufacturing, construction & other on-the-go laborers.

Hire Faster & Retain Employees Longer

To win the war on talent, you need a lightning-fast hiring process and a fail-proof system for consistent communication with candidates and employees alike. Team Engine helps you attract more applicants, hire them quicker and—crucially—keep them engaged throughout their tenure.

Find and hire great people

Find and hire great people 

Automate the redundant tasks in your hiring process so you can add value where it matters most.

Motivate and retain quality employees

Motivate and retain quality employees

Get new hires off to a good start with structured one-on-ones and the opportunity to give feedback on the experience.

Execute and continuously improve

Execute and continuously improve

Build connectedness across your company to get work done, create efficient processes, and nurture a culture of growth and development.


Capture More Business & Avoid Costly Turnover

Turnover is expensive, decreases productivity, and even leads to loss of business due to capacity. Curb those turnover costs and improve employee retention with Team Engine.

Find and hire great people

Centralized Recruiting Hub

Motivate and retain quality employees

Accelerate Time-to-Hire

Execute and continuously improve

More Engaged Staff

Improved Employee Communication

Improve Employee Communication

Inefficient Processes & Poor Communication are Degrading Your Employee Experience


Everyday we talk to companies who are wasting thousands of dollars on job boards, when they could be sourcing more broadly to find the right people; hiring more quickly to beat their competition; and onboarding new hires more effectively. With Team Engine, you can deliver a more engaging experience—beginning to end—for your most valuable company asset.


Trusted by team leaders in transportation, distribution, commercial food, waste management, landscaping, construction, and more.

Employee Onboarding Text Message - 10 days after starting

33% of employees point to a lack of up-front communication as having the most negative impact on employee morale.

Give your workforce a direct line of communication with leadership that makes it comfortable and easy for them to ask questions. Keep your staff informed (without burdening managers) using Team Engine’s text & email automations.

1 in 3 people check their text notifications within 1 minute.

It’s a lose-lose situation when you work hard to keep your employees involved and informed, but they never see or respond to the messages. Team Engine makes it easy to reach the right people at the right time on the right channel to make sure no one ever misses an announcement again.

cold calling vs. texting job applicants

96% of job applicants opt in to text message communication.

Team Engine has texting built-in throughout your interactions with applicants, employees, or referrals. You don’t have to use your own cell phone and everyone on the leadership team can see the communication in one place.

Employee turnover costs between $4,00 - $6,000 per employee.

Most attrition occurs within the first 30-90 days, so it’s critical to get employees off to a good start. Team Engine’s built-in automations make personalizing every employee’s onboarding experience a breeze.


Built to Manage an On-The-Go Workforce

Whether you have an HR Department Of One handling all the functions of employees’ tenure, or you’re managing HR teams across multiple locations, or you fall somewhere between—Team Engine was built to help companies just like yours build a distributed, deskless workforce that stays for the long term.


HR Recruitment Software

Are you a blue-collar employer seeking an efficient way to tackle the challenges of hiring and managing a skilled labor force? The labor shortage has made recruiting more difficult than ever. With so few qualified candidates available, employers must act quickly and smartly in order to fill their open positions with talented workers. 

Despite investing significant resources into the process, the outcome may still mean a shortage of qualified applicants or, in some cases, no applicants at all.

But HR recruitment software designed specifically for distributed workforces (like construction, manufacturing, landscaping, and distribution) is the ultimate advantage employers need to tackle these challenges and stay ahead of the competition!

In today's fast-paced world, staying ahead of future trends in recruitment is essential. And at Team Engine, we understand that finding the right fit for your industry requires a tailored approach.

Read on to discover the recruitment trends for 2023, explore various recruitment platforms (including the top recruiting platforms for blue-collar workers), and unlock the potential of tailored HR recruitment software like Team Engine.

Hiring in 2023

In the evolving world of blue-collar industries, navigating the changing tides of recruitment is more critical than ever. In 2023, employers are planning an average salary increase of 4.1% to stay competitive, marking the highest increment since 2008. Yet the challenge remains as six in ten workers worry their paychecks won't keep pace with inflation — leading to more job switching and second gigs.

In an already understaffed industry, employers need to be strategic about countering these challenges.

That's why many employers today are innovatively reshaping their recruiting goals. From offering traditionally white-collar benefits like career guidance, education, and flexible hours to blue-collar workers​, to subsidizing health plan costs to attract and retain talent, the talent acquisition trends of 2023 are all about creating a competitive edge.

These unique perks are the new frontiers in the blue-collar world — a dynamic blend of compensation and benefits designed to meet the changing needs of the workforce. How can HR recruitment software help you navigate these trends? Keep reading!

Recruitment Platforms

The most successful blue-collar employers are those who have incorporated technology into their recruitment processes. And in 2023, various types of recruitment software have emerged, each designed to meet specific needs, reduce costs, and streamline the hiring process.

Below is an explanation of the different types of recruitment platforms, their features, and the distinct roles they fill in the HR recruitment software ecosystem:

ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems)

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are one of the most common types of recruitment software used by companies. These platforms serve as a digital repository for job applicants, tracking each candidate's journey from application to hire.

Features often include:

  • Automated resume screening
  • Real-time data tracking
  • Integrations with popular job boards
  • An online job portal

Applicant tracking software helps employers organize their recruitment process by consolidating all applicants in one place. With an ATS, employers can make better-informed hiring decisions and keep track of the entire recruitment pipeline.

It's like having an assistant to manage the entire recruitment process, eliminating tedious manual tasks and making it easier to get the right candidates in front of hiring decision-makers.

Looking for more specifics on different types of platforms available to you? Check out our list of ATS examples.

Recruiting CRM (Candidate Relationship Management)

Contrary to ATS, recruiting CRM software focuses on fostering relationships with candidates, even before they apply. It's all about building a talent pipeline and nurturing relationships with potential candidates.

Just like your customer relationship management software (also referred to as a "CRM") is a tool for nurturing leads in the sales world, think of recruiting CRMs as the same for the job market.

Features often include:

  • Automatic outreach
  • Interview scheduling
  • Referral tracking
  • Integrations with job boards and other recruitment software
  • Customizable workflow automation

ATS vs. Recruiting CRM

The primary difference between an ATS and a Recruiting CRM is in their focus areas. While ATS tracks applicants and manages the recruitment process, a recruiting CRM is about building relationships and maintaining a pool of potential candidates.

In a perfect world, these two systems would work together seamlessly, with the CRM nurturing candidate relationships, and the ATS managing the application and hiring process. Team Engine is a recruitment system example that does exactly this.

Talent Acquisition Software

Talent acquisition software is a broad term that encompasses both ATS and recruiting CRM. It's the complete package, providing tools for sourcing, tracking, and managing candidates throughout the hiring process. When you're comparing talent acquisition tools, look for one that combines both ATS and CRM features so that your workload is as uncomplicated as possible! 

When the competition for talent is as fierce as it is now and the hiring process is as complex as it needs to be, having a robust talent acquisition system in place is a must.

It's not just about filling open roles — it's about attracting the right talent, nurturing relationships, and ensuring a seamless hiring process that lasts well beyond day one.

And with the right HR recruitment software, that's entirely possible.

In the following sections, we'll explore some of the best hiring platforms for employers and recruitment software for agencies, helping you make an informed decision for your organization's needs.

Best Hiring Platforms For Employers

The HR recruitment software you choose can make or break your hiring process. From entry-level workers to seasoned journeymen, the best hiring platforms can help you find the right fit and work in tandem with your existing HR processes.

To clarify, a hiring platform refers to any tool that facilitates the process of recruiting, interviewing, researching, and hiring employees for your company.

So while you might think of ZipRecruiter and Indeed as job boards, they are also hiring platforms. While LinkedIn might be thought of as a social networking site, it's also a hiring platform. And, of course, Team Engine is an HR recruitment software that combines ATS and CRM features to streamline the entire hiring process. So it’s also referred to as a hiring platform.

But let's focus on those that combine ATS and recruiting CRM features.

Now we do have to note that, when it comes to HR recruitment software, the market has traditionally catered to the white-collar sector, overlooking the distinct needs of deskless industries. But a few platforms are emerging to fill that gap.

Here are your best recruiting software options if you're looking to hire deskless workers:

Team Engine

Team Engine is a recruitment platform tailored to construction, manufacturing, distribution, home services, and other blue-collar sectors. It combines ATS and CRM features to streamline the entire hiring process. Plus, it's designed with automation in mind — eliminating tedious manual tasks and making it easier for you to source qualified candidates quickly.

With Team Engine, you can:

  • Automatically screen applicants
  • Engage top candidates with automated SMS text messaging
  • Track the progress of each applicant
  • Review and forecast with hiring metrics
  • Schedule interviews with ease
  • Manage employee referrals
  • And more!

Team Engine also has a user-friendly interface and integrates with all the most popular job boards to create a single source for all your hiring needs. 

With a 4.9/5 rating by users on G2 and a risk-free trial available, Team Engine is one of the best hiring platforms for employers in the skilled trades and deskless industries.

A close runner-up in the HR recruitment software market is Just like Team Engine, it's built for blue-collar employers. offers an AI recruiter that can automate scheduling, pre-screening, and answering candidates' frequently asked questions, increasing efficiency and minimizing manual tasks for HR departments. It also includes features like live video and text chat, which help provide a personalized experience for candidates.

However, compared to Team Engine and other recruitment platforms, has a more limited range of features. But with a 4.6/5 rating by users on G2, it might still be worth exploring.

Zoho Recruit

Zoho Recruit definitely has its place in the HR recruitment software market. It's got a lot of power under the hood and a feature list as long as your arm. But when it comes to the blue-collar world, it might not be the best fit.

Here's why:

  • Zoho Recruit's website lists three specific industries that it has been built for; manufacturing, education, and technology. So while manufacturing might seem like the closest fit, the whole platform feels a little more geared toward white-collar workers.
  • It's not just about in-house HR, Zoho also caters to recruitment agencies. While that's a big tick for versatility, it could be a red flag for smaller businesses who might find the platform a bit too complex.
  • There's a learning curve with Zoho Recruit. It's packed with features, like AI-driven candidate ranking and job posting customization. But for businesses short on time, all of these features could be more of a stumbling block than a step up.

So while Zoho Recruit is indeed a strong player in the market, it might not be the best hiring platform for employers in the blue-collar sector.

The company provides a "forever free" plan, albeit with significant limitations. For example, you can only have one active job opening. But at least that allows you to give it a try to see if it fits your needs.

Other Platforms

There are countless other HR recruitment software platforms on the market that don't specifically accommodate deskless industries. These include platforms like:

  • Zoho Recruit
  • Lever
  • Freshteam
  • JazzHR
  • BreezyHR

While they each offer features that could make your life easier (like automation, video interviews, and internal communication tools), you'll have to carefully consider if they fit the needs of your deskless workforce.

Recruitment Software For Agencies

As the demand for skilled workers rises, the role of recruitment agencies becomes even more important. Not only do agencies help organizations source the best talent, but they can also take some of the burden off internal HR teams.

The best recruitment agency software solutions on the market today are designed to help agencies:

  • Build a database of qualified candidates
  • Automate processes
  • Simplify communications

If you handle the recruiting and hiring for a blue-collar business, then Team Engine could be the perfect HR recruitment software for your needs! We can help you find the best candidates faster, engage them more effectively, and streamline your entire hiring process. And with our risk-free trial, you can see for yourself how Team Engine could benefit your business. Sign up today to get started!

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