Interview Message Templates for Job Candidates

Ten copy-and-paste templates to help streamline the manual back and forth of coordinating job interviews.

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Interview Message to Candidate

In today's cutthroat job market, the right interview message to a candidate can be the pivotal difference between a job-seeker accepting your interview invitation or choosing to pass it by...

And when you’re competing for top talent in blue-collar industries such as construction, manufacturing, landscaping, or distribution - especially amidst a massive labor shortage - it's more crucial than ever to put your best foot forward.

Your message to the candidate isn’t just another routine email. Rather, it's your firm handshake and welcoming smile, your first impression delivered digitally. So when you send the golden email saying, "Congratulations, you have been shortlisted for an interview," it needs to embody your company's persona and the sincerity behind the offer.

Crafting the right email to selected candidates for an interview can feel like balancing on a tightrope. You want to come across as enthusiastic, yet professional; welcoming, yet focused. It may seem daunting, especially when your company is waiting on tenterhooks, needing to fill those positions yesterday. But don't worry, Team Engine has perfected the formula!

Below, we'll show you how to roll out the red carpet right from the get-go. We’ll even provide sample emails and templates that you can adopt and adapt.

With our help, you won’t just send an interview invitation — you’ll deliver a message that shows you understand their grit, acknowledge their skill, and value their contribution to the backbone of our economy. Here's how to construct the perfect interview message to your candidate:

Invitation For Interview

The invitation for an interview is how you communicate your interest in a candidate and pave the way for a productive dialogue. It's more than just a simple request to meet… It's the next step in what will hopefully be a valuable and long-lasting professional relationship for both of you.

To send an effective interview message to a candidate, your words need to resonate with sincerity and clarity. Your message should openly express interest in the candidate’s profile, specifying the role they're being considered for.

Remember, particularly in blue-collar industries, an interview isn't just about validating a candidate's skills — it's about making sure they'll mesh well with your crew. Because in laborious, often dangerous jobs you need to trust that your employees have each other’s backs.

When drafting your interview invitation message, be explicit about how to schedule the interview, and clarify the steps in the process. This approach allows your candidate to prepare properly, leaving no room for misinterpretation.

Below is an invitation for an interview email example:

Subject: Interview Invitation for the [Job Role] at [Company Name]

Hi [Candidate’s Name],

We're impressed by your application for the [Job Role] position at [Company Name]. Your experience in [mention specific area] caught our attention, and we'd like to invite you to an interview to discuss your qualifications further.

We anticipate the interview process will take approximately [duration], and it will involve [mention steps such as a technical test, face-to-face interview, etc.].

[Provide details on how to schedule, i.e., a link to a scheduling tool, contact details of the coordinator, etc.].

Looking forward to meeting you.

Thank you,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Contact Information]

The invitation for interview template above is the perfect blend of a simple yet comprehensive message. It hits the nail on the head with professionalism, personalization, and enthusiasm that's sure to make the candidate feel valued. And with interview "ghosting" increasingly becoming a norm, this level of engagement will help you stand out from the competition and motivate candidates to show up.

Obviously, this is just a sample invitation for an interview. You'll need to modify the language and tone to echo your company's brand and the specific role. But it's a great starting point to ensure you effectively communicate with potential candidates prior to the interview.

Invitation for Interview Email

There are many ways to communicate with candidates, but sending an interview invitation by email remains a popular choice for many employers. With email, you can easily:

  • Share details that the candidate can review at their own pace
  • Include links to calendar tools or company information
  • Provide them with a reference point for the interview logistics
  • Have a record of your communication

However, emails also come with their own set of challenges. They may be overlooked in a busy inbox or end up in a spam folder.

And the back-and-forth nature of email correspondence can sometimes lead to hiring delays, especially if the candidate is not an avid email user. This is a common situation among middle-aged and older blue-collar workers…

To mitigate these issues, any interview invitation email to the candidate and subsequent replies should use clarity and directness. Keeping your communications short and to the point can make the difference between a smooth process and a frustrating one for both you and the potential hire.

For example, using the invitation for interview email sample above, you should get very specific about the scheduling details without overwhelming the candidate with information.

And don't leave things open-ended. Include a clear call to action for scheduling their appointment by providing an either/or choice of dates and times that work for your schedule or a link to an online interview scheduling tool.

Here's a sample of how to invite a candidate for an interview by email with an either/or choice:

Subject: Interview Invitation for the [Job Role] at [Company Name]

Hi [Candidate’s Name],

We're impressed by your application for the [Job Role] position at [Company Name]. Your experience in [mention specific area] caught our attention, and we'd like to invite you to an interview to discuss your qualifications further.

The interview will take approximately one hour and will include a technical test and a face-to-face interview.

We can arrange the interview on either Tuesday, March 24th at 2 pm or Thursday, March 26th at 10 am at [address].

Which date and time works for you?

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Contact Information]

Ending the message with a question is a great way to engage the candidate and make it easier for them to reply — it’s very obvious what you’re asking and how you expect it to be answered.

And here's a sample of how to invite a candidate for an interview by email using an online scheduling tool:

Subject: Interview Invitation for the [Job Role] at [Company Name]

Hi [Candidate’s Name],

We're impressed by your application for the [Job Role] position at [Company Name]. Your experience in [mention specific area] caught our attention, and we'd like to invite you to an interview to discuss your qualifications further.

The interview will take approximately one hour and will include a technical test and a face-to-face interview.

If you would like to move forward in the hiring process, please choose an appropriate date and time for the interview from our online calendar here:

[link to your online scheduling tool]

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Contact Information]

Your reply to the interview invitation availability should be timely and clear to keep the process moving. You can also use your reply as an opportunity to reiterate the confirmed date, time, and location so there are no miscommunications.

Here's how to confirm an interview appointment by email:

Hi [Candidate’s Name],

Thanks for your quick response. Your interview has been scheduled for [Confirmed Date & Time] at [address].

Looking forward to meeting you,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Contact Information]

Just like each of the samples above, the interview invitation email to a candidate must be clear, straightforward, and informative. Remember that for some people, navigating emails can be a bit of a struggle. And if you find that to be the case for applicants in your industry, it may be best to opt for a phone call instead.

How To Invite Candidate For Interview By Phone Sample

While emails are a standard tool in business communication, nothing quite matches the personal touch and immediacy of a phone call. Inviting a candidate for an interview by phone can cut through the clutter of overflowing inboxes, provide instant feedback, and, in many cases, accelerate the interview scheduling process.

Here's a sample of how to invite a candidate for an interview by phone:

"Hi [Candidate's Name], this is [Your Name] calling from [Company Name]. I'm pleased to tell you that your application for the [Job Role] has been shortlisted. We're interested in scheduling an interview to discuss your qualifications further. Are you available on [Proposed Date & Time]?"

But bear in mind, a phone call also has its limitations. It's possible the candidate may not be in a position to take the call or make decisions on the spot. Some of the best talent are those who are already employed, and if they're out on a job site, they may not be able to take the call or might need some time to think about the offer.

In these cases, follow up on the conversation with an interview message to the candidate over email, summarizing the details discussed or left in a voicemail.

Here's a phone interview invitation email template:

Subject: Follow-up to our phone conversation - Interview Invitation

Hi [Candidate's Name],

Following our phone conversation earlier today, this email is to confirm your interview for the [Job Role] at [Company Name] on [Confirmed Date & Time].

We look forward to discussing your qualifications for this role further.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Contact Information]

By calling for an interview conversation first, and following up with an email invitation to confirm the details, you make sure all the bases are covered.

Interview Invitation Text Message

As communication continues to evolve in the digital age, text messages have emerged as a highly effective tool for recruiters. An interview invitation text message is quick, direct, and caters to the on-the-go nature of today's workforce, including many blue-collar professionals who don't have access to traditional email accounts during their workday.

Here's an interview invitation text message sample that strikes a balance between formal and casual:

"Hi [Candidate's Name]! This is [Your Name] from [Company Name]. Great news - you've been shortlisted for the [Job Role]. We'd like to invite you for an interview. Are you available on [Proposed Date & Time]?"

Text messages can be highly effective due to their immediacy and high open rates. But the limited space demands conciseness and can sometimes limit the amount of information you can share.

And not all candidates will appreciate professional communication through text. That's why it's important to use text messaging strategically and understand the preferences of your ideal candidates before opting for a text message invitation.

If a candidate confirms the appointment, send a follow-up text to solidify the plan:

"Thanks for your quick reply, [Candidate's Name]. Your interview is confirmed for [Confirmed Date & Time] at [Company Name]. Looking forward to meeting you!"

If you send an interview invitation text message but don't receive a response, try an alternative communication method like email or a phone call. The candidate may have simply missed the message, so make sure to follow up promptly. And there's no sense in losing out on great talent because of a missed text message.

Shortlisted Candidates After Interview

When you're up against the clock and dealing with a labor shortage, keeping your top picks in the loop is crucial. If you've found a solid contender, don't miss out! Follow up promptly to let them know you're impressed with their qualifications and want to take the next step in the hiring process.

Here's an example of a congratulations email for shortlisted candidates:

Subject: We’re considering you for [Job Role]

Congrats [Candidate's Name]!

You've demonstrated the grit we value at [Company Name] and have been shortlisted for [Job Role]. We'll be moving quickly, and you can expect to hear from us soon about the next steps.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Contact Information]

If the candidate made it to the final round, the communication should carry a sense of urgency and respect for their time.

Here's how your final round interview invitation email could read:

Subject: Final Interview at [Company Name]

Hi [Candidate's Name],

Congratulations on making it to the final round of interviews for [Job Role]. We appreciate your patience and efforts. We'll share more details shortly about what to expect.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Contact Information]

If you already know what the next steps are, provide that information in the email. If you need more time to get your final interview plans in order, provide an estimated timeline with your email. This shows respect for the candidate's time and keeps them interested in the role.

In an environment where the right interview message to a candidate makes all the difference, automating and enhancing your process with Team Engine’s hiring automation can be a game-changer. This feature fine-tunes your candidate conversations, ensures quality interviews, and simplifies your hiring journey. Explore how Team Engine can transform your candidate communication here!

If you’re committed to providing a better, more engaging employee experience, Team Engine makes it possible.