Templates and Platforms for Sending Automated Text Messages

Why texting is the best way to communicate with a blue-collar workforce, and how to automate the most redundant parts of the hiring process. Plus, copy-and-paste templates for texting with applicants and employees and the top platforms for sending automated text messages.

Hire Faster & Retain Employees Longer

To win the war on talent, you need a lightning-fast hiring process and a fail-proof system for consistent communication with candidates and employees alike. Team Engine helps you attract more applicants, hire them quicker and—crucially—keep them engaged throughout their tenure.

Find and hire great people

Automate the redundant tasks in your hiring process so you can add value where it matters most.

Motivate and retain quality employees

Get new hires off to a good start with structured one-on-ones and the opportunity to give feedback on the experience.

Execute and continuously improve

Build connectedness across your company to get work done, create efficient processes, and nurture a culture of growth and development.

Capture More Business & Avoid Costly Turnover

Turnover is expensive, decreases productivity, and even leads to loss of business due to capacity. Curb those turnover costs and improve employee retention with Team Engine.

Centralized Recruiting Hub

Accelerate Time-to-Hire

More Engaged Staff

Improve Employee Communication

Inefficient Processes & Poor Communication are Degrading Your Employee Experience

Everyday we talk to companies who are wasting thousands of dollars on job boards, when they could be sourcing more broadly to find the right people; hiring more quickly to beat their competition; and onboarding new hires more effectively. With Team Engine, you can deliver a more engaging experience—beginning to end—for your most valuable company asset.

Trusted by

33% of employees point to a lack of up-front communication as having the most negative impact on employee morale.

Give your workforce a direct line of communication with leadership that makes it comfortable and easy for them to ask questions. Keep your staff informed (without burdening managers) using Team Engine’s text & email automations.

1 in 3 people check their text notifications within 1 minute.

It’s a lose-lose situation when you work hard to keep your employees involved and informed, but they never see or respond to the messages. Team Engine makes it easy to reach the right people at the right time on the right channel to make sure no one ever misses an announcement again.

96% of job applicants opt in to text message communication.

Team Engine has texting built-in throughout your interactions with applicants, employees, or referrals. You don’t have to use your own cell phone and everyone on the leadership team can see the communication in one place.

Employee turnover costs between $4,00 - $6,000 per employee.

Most attrition occurs within the first 30-90 days, so it’s critical to get employees off to a good start. Team Engine’s built-in automations make personalizing every employee’s onboarding experience a breeze.

Built to Manage an On-The-Go Workforce

Whether you have an HR Department Of One handling all the functions of employees’ tenure, or you’re managing HR teams across multiple locations, or you fall somewhere between—Team Engine was built to help companies just like yours build a distributed, deskless workforce that stays for the long term.

Sending Automated Text Messages

When you have urgent projects on the horizon and a shortage of workers, time is of the essence. You need to act fast to connect with potential hires who are ready to roll up their sleeves and get the job done before your competition scoops them up.

That's where the power of sending automated text messages comes into play, enabling you to reach top talent in a matter of minutes — even seconds.

Whether you're searching for skilled craftsmen, dedicated laborers, or reliable office professionals, automated text messages can help you locate and engage with qualified candidates.

No more waiting for resumes to arrive in your inbox or crossing your fingers that your job postings will be seen by the right people…

By sending automated text messages, you can get workers on board quickly and painlessly — no matter how tight the labor market is.

But, like many employers, you might have some reservations about adding text message automation to your recruiting and hiring efforts:

  • How do you keep track of all the responses?
  • What are the best practices for automated text messages?
  • Will candidates get annoyed that you're contacting them via text?
  • What do professional text message examples look like?

That's where Team Engine comes in. Our text recruiting features are designed for employers in blue-collar industries — like construction, manufacturing, landscaping, distribution, and more.

We've seen the power of text messaging in closing the skilled labor gap, enabling employers to:

  1. Move quickly
  2. Communicate effectively
  3. Find the right employees for their needs

In the face of worker shortages and the high costs associated with employee turnover, it's essential to leverage modern solutions that save time, boost productivity, and enhance employee satisfaction.

Below we'll explore everything you need to know about incorporating automated text messages into your recruiting and hiring strategy.

Recruiting Text Message

In today's world, where the demand for skilled workers outpaces the available supply, recruiting really has become a race — and the winner is often the one who reaches out first.

With an automated text message system in place, you can attract and engage with high-quality talent before they've even had a chance to consider your competition.

The Power of Recruiting Text Messages

Did you know that sending a recruiting text message can result in a response from a potential candidate in under 3 minutes? This is because 90% of people report that they see and open text messages within this timeframe. What would that do for your time-to-fill metrics?

By leveraging recruiting text messages, you can get your job opportunities in front of candidates in record time.

Even if you message a candidate, it doesn't necessarily mean they will apply immediately. Email responses for recruitment are usually low. But, if you use text messages instead, you can expect a much higher engagement rate.

Compared to email's 6%, text messages have an impressive response rate of 45%. This means you can easily reach out to a larger number of potential candidates, increasing your chances of finding the right fit for your blue-collar business.

How can you achieve those high engagement rates? It comes down to understanding how to craft the perfect recruiting text message.

Crafting Effective Recruiting Text Messages

People often have their guard up when it comes to digital communication, so you have to strike the right balance between professionalism and relatability.

Here's an example of a "we are hiring" text message that showcases these qualities:

"Hi [Applicant Name]! This is [Your Name] at [Company Name]. We're looking for hard-working individuals to help us with our landscaping projects. Are you interested in learning more?"

Here's how that text would look if it were sent to a potential candidate:

"Hi Joe! This is John at Greenfield Landscaping. We're looking for hard-working individuals to help us with our landscaping projects. Are you interested in learning more?"

How are these effective recruiting text message examples?

  • They're short and to the point, using conversational language that's easy to understand.
  • The message has a human touch, personalizing it with the applicant's name and introducing the sender by name.
  • It answers the who, what, and why so the applicant isn't left with unanswered questions.
  • There's a clear call to action ("Are you interested in learning more?") that encourages the recipient to reply.

Using these principles, you can start crafting your own effective recruiting text messages and send them to:

  • Past applicants who didn't make the cut at the time
  • Individuals who have applied for a job on your website or through a job board
  • Prior employees who you would like to rehire
  • Employee referrals

→ Best Text Message Recruiting Software

Interview Invitation Text Message

One of the biggest struggles in the hiring process is getting someone to show up for the interview. You might waste hours or even days reaching out to potential candidates via phone calls and emails, only for them to ghost you or never respond.

With an interview invitation text message, you land in the candidate's pocket and can start a conversation with them in seconds.

Benefits of Interview Invitation Text Messages

The biggest advantage of using interview invitation text messages is speed. Text messages have an average response time of 90 seconds.

This makes it easier and faster to set up interviews, allowing you to schedule a large number of candidates in record time. Especially if you're using an automated text message feature. You won't have to chase down individuals or go back and forth trying to find a time that works for everyone.

What's more, text messages are personal and engaging. You can directly reach out to potential candidates and make them feel like their application was seen and appreciated. This is especially important if you're dealing with candidates in the blue-collar world. They may be out on job sites and not as accessible by traditional communication methods.

The benefits of scheduling hiring interviews by text message are clear:

  • Speed: Automated text messages take seconds to read and respond to, speeding up the hiring process.
  • Personalization: Text messages are a great way to connect with potential candidates on a personal level.
  • Engagement: Text messages have high response rates and can help you stand out from your competition.
  • Time: By automating the process, you can save time and stress and focus on other aspects of the recruitment process.

Professional Text Message Examples to Use for Interview Scheduling

Here are a few copy-and-paste text message examples you can use to invite potential candidates to their job interviews:

Requesting availability for the interview:

"Hi [Applicant Name], this is [Your Name] from [Company Name]. We received your application and would love to chat further. Can you please give me 3 times in the next few days when you're available to meet?"

Confirmation appointment text message sample:

"Hi [Applicant Name], this is [Your Name] from [Company Name]. We'd like to invite you to an interview for the [Position Name] role. Here are the details: [Date], [Time], [Location]. Let us know if that works for you."

Example appointment reminder for interviews:

"We're excited for your interview tomorrow at [Date/Time of Interview] for the [Position Name] role at [Company Name]. Please reply if you need to reschedule."

Automating Interview Invitation Text Messages

With automation, you can take your interview invitation process to the next level of efficiency. Automated interview scheduling tools empower you to schedule, personalize, and send interview invitations effortlessly.

It's like having a reliable assistant who handles it all with a single click, saving you valuable time while maintaining consistent communication!

By leveraging automation, you can trigger interview invitations based on specific criteria, such as resume screening or completing assessments. These automated systems handle interview reminders, follow-ups, and even send that highly anticipated "Congratulations, you are hired!" text message.

It's a seamless process that ensures prompt communication and leaves a lasting impression on successful candidates.

Using Text Messages To Communicate With Employees

Recruiting texts aren't the only way to reduce operational headaches and keep business running smoothly. Text messaging can also be used to coordinate and communicate with current employees.

Here's how using text messages to communicate with employees can benefit your business:

  • Instant Reach: Text messages ensure that your important updates, shift changes, or safety reminders are seen promptly, even for employees without regular access to email or computers.
  • Higher Engagement: Employees are more likely to engage with text messages as they are often checked within minutes. This improves overall communication, which is a key factor in improving employee morale and retention.
  • Automation for Efficiency: Utilizing an app that sends automated text messages at a certain time allows you to schedule recurring messages, ensuring consistent communication and timely reminders.

By leveraging a reliable auto SMS app, you can make sure your crew is always in the loop without adding extra work to your own plate!

Best Automated Text Message Service

Choosing the best automated text message service can feel like trying to find a lost bolt in a busy workshop, but we've done the heavy lifting for you. Below, we've got the nuts and bolts of some of the best mass texting services out there:

Team Engine

For blue-collar businesses, you won't find a better automated text message service than Team Engine. The intuitive and easy-to-use dashboard allows you to get started with automated messages in no time:

  • Schedule automated campaigns
  • Create personalized messages
  • Set up automated follow-ups
  • Pull report summaries to track results
  • Include attachments like images, PDFs, and CSV/Excel files

Plus, it's tailored to blue-collar industries, so you don't have to worry about jumping through hoops to find the right solutions for recruitment and communication. With our text-recruiting feature, you can engage candidates right where they are: their mobile devices.

You can try Team Engine risk-free to see for yourself why our users have given us a 4.8/5 rating on G2. When it comes to mass texting for the deskless workforce, you can't beat Team Engine.


Prokeep is another leading contender in automated text messaging, designed specifically for the construction industry. While it could be used for recruitment and employee communication, it's actually more for streamlining business operations with centralized communication, payments, customer insights, and automation all in one place. With Prokeep, you can field more orders, deliver proactive ordering messages, and even collect payments faster.

There's a simple setup with free training and support, it integrates with the technologies you already use and can be accessed from anywhere. So if you're looking for a comprehensive service to manage your business operations and distribution, Prokeep is a great option. But if you want a platform that's tailored to deskless recruiting, it's probably not the right choice.

EZ Texting

EZ Texting is an affordable option for your messaging needs, with prices starting at $20 per month and the ability to try it for free. It offers messaging speeds of up to 500 texts per day, making it a reliable choice.

However, EZ Texting is a white-collar service and may not be the best fit for blue-collar businesses.


Another generalist messaging option, Text-Em-All offers a wide range of features and prices starting at just $10 per month. There's a flexible pay-as-you-go option alongside monthly plans.

Text-Em-All has a strong reputation but, again, it's better suited for white-collar businesses than blue-collar ones due to its generalist nature.


Textedly offers a range of features like sending and receiving messages, setting up automated campaigns, and tracking performance metrics like open rates and response rates. The pricing plans range from a free option that includes 50 messages per month to a premium plan that costs $2,999 per month and allows for up to 200,000 messages.

While Textedly offers robust features and competitive prices, it may also not be the ideal choice for skilled trades businesses because of its broad focus.

Weigh up your options and choose the automated text message service that's right for you. With the perfect solution, you'll be able to effectively recruit new employees and keep current ones in the loop, all with just a few clicks!

Ready to see how text recruiting can benefit your business? Sign up for a demo to try Team Engine risk-free today!

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