The Cost of Rushed Hiring Decisions

Learn how to turn an expedited hiring process into a competitive advantage + get practical tips for outmaneuvering your competition.

Danielle Riha
February 28, 2023

The 2023 iCIMS Workforce Report cites an average of 41 days to fill an open role.

Go ahead and pull up your calendar to see where we'll be 41 days from now.

No really, go look - we'll wait.

The truth is, if you haven't started ramping up your hiring activities for the busy spring season, you might already be behind the curve.

That's why we invited Tito Caceres, CEO of Bloom Partners Talent Solutions, to host our webinar focusing on the real cost of vacancies and making rushed hiring decisions.

"I know firsthand that timing is everything in today's fast-paced hiring landscape. Companies that don't move quickly risk losing top candidates to the competition," Tito said in a LinkedIn post announcing the webinar.

He continued, "That's why I'm excited to share some of the strategies we use to stay ahead of the curve. Our session will focus on how you can turn an expedited hiring process into a competitive advantage, and we'll explore practical tips for getting in front of your hiring needs and outmaneuvering your competition."

Webinar attendees will leave with:

  • An understanding of the true cost of vacancies
  • Formulas to calculate your cost per vacancy
  • Strategies to expedite the hiring process and prepare for peak season
  • A complete hiring timeline with stretch goals to beat your competitors

Sign up to watch the webinar instantly:

The Cost of Rushed Hiring Decision - Webinar On-Demand with Tito Caceres


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