Types of Candidate Management Systems

A look at the different types of applicant tracking systems on the market, and which ones are best for who. Whether you're a startup, enterprise, or somewhere in between, we've compiled examples of different types of candidate management systems and the features to consider when looking for the right solution for your organization.

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Centralized Recruiting Hub

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Inefficient Processes & Poor Communication are Degrading Your Employee Experience

Everyday we talk to companies who are wasting thousands of dollars on job boards, when they could be sourcing more broadly to find the right people; hiring more quickly to beat their competition; and onboarding new hires more effectively. With Team Engine, you can deliver a more engaging experience—beginning to end—for your most valuable company asset.

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33% of employees point to a lack of up-front communication as having the most negative impact on employee morale.

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1 in 3 people check their text notifications within 1 minute.

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96% of job applicants opt in to text message communication.

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Employee turnover costs between $4,00 - $6,000 per employee.

Most attrition occurs within the first 30-90 days, so it’s critical to get employees off to a good start. Team Engine’s built-in automations make personalizing every employee’s onboarding experience a breeze.

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Candidate Management Systems

Hiring the right people isn't just an HR function — it's the lifeblood of your company. But blue-collar businesses are facing an unprecedented challenge in the current labor shortage, grappling with the intricate dance of attracting, tracking, and hiring skilled candidates.

With over 75% of employers struggling to fill job positions, one of the only ways to remain competitive is to streamline and automate your recruitment processes.

For employers and HR teams who are worn out by constant recruiting and hiring, a candidate management system can be a massive help!

A candidate management system, sometimes referred to as an applicant tracking system (ATS), acts as a potent tool to streamline the hiring chaos.

It can typically be accessed through an easy-to-use ATS app, which becomes your digital command center for recruitment.

An applicant tracking system online allows you to easily:

  • Post jobs
  • Sift through applications
  • Schedule interviews
  • Monitor candidate progress
  • And much more with just a few clicks!

Applicant tracking systems are mostly used by employers to tackle hiring challenges head-on. They automate manual tasks, freeing up precious time for you to focus your attention on the most important aspects of recruitment.

Instead of getting bogged down by resumes, screening calls, and scheduling nightmares, an applicant tracking system can shoulder the burden — giving you an organized, efficient, and effective process.

At this point, you may be wondering about Team Engine and what our applicant tracking system brings to the table. We'll be diving deeper into that, along with an unbiased look at several other major players in the world of candidate management systems.

Our goal is to equip you with the information to decide what system will best serve your unique workforce needs in this challenging hiring landscape.

Types Of ATS

Just as each construction project requires different tools, and every manufacturing line has its own unique machinery, applicant tracking systems offer a diverse range of solutions to handle different hiring needs.

At a high level, we can put the types of ATS into three main categories:

  1. Startup ATS: These systems, like JazzHR and Workable, are ideal for startups or smaller businesses. They're known for their simplicity, affordability, and ease of use, helping you navigate the hiring maze without getting lost in complex features.
  2. Mid-Range ATS: For medium-sized businesses, an ATS like Greenhouse or Lever provides a balance between functionality and cost. They're robust enough to handle more complex hiring needs, but still intuitive enough not to need an IT degree to operate.
  3. Enterprise ATS: Large companies or those with intricate hiring processes may turn to enterprise applicant tracking systems like iCIMS or Taleo. These powerhouses handle the hustle and bustle of big business recruitment, tracking thousands of candidates across multiple job postings with ease.

But choosing the best ATS systems is akin to selecting the right power tool…

A nimble drill might be perfect for detailed work, but when it comes to larger tasks, you'll need the raw power of a jackhammer. Similarly, the best ATS for startups may not cut it for a large-scale manufacturing plant.

Beyond that, not all ATS options are a good fit for the challenges of recruiting in the blue-collar industry. Many systems lack features essential to managing a deskless workforce.

An impressive 94% of recruiters and HR professionals acknowledge the positive impact of an ATS on their hiring process. But that largely depends on finding one that fits your company’s needs.

Applicant Tracking System Examples

Are you attempting to manually manage a list of potential hires on a spreadsheet? This is as common in the blue-collar world as the sound of a forklift backing up. But it's slow and tedious.

And considering the labor shortage, employers need to move quickly if they want to hire qualified candidates before the competition scoops them up.

So imagine replacing that spreadsheet with a sleek, organized ATS software like Team Engine. With automation and effortless accessibility, everything you need is just a few clicks away.

Here are a few real-world ATS examples demonstrating how an applicant tracking system can minimize recruitment and hiring headaches:

  • Automated Job Posting: With Team Engine, you can post job openings on multiple job boards, much like coordinating a team of workers to tackle different parts of a project. No need for separate logins or navigating different interfaces — open positions can be posted and refreshed all in one spot.
  • Resume Sifting: Going through stacks of resumes can be mind-numbing. But with Team Engine’s filters and intelligent hiring assistant, you'll be notified when a candidate fits the bill.
  • Candidate Pre-screening: Pre-screening candidates helps you filter out the noise and focus on what's essential. Our candidate management software identifies and highlights the most promising candidates, so you don’t waste time on unsuitable applications.
  • Interview Scheduling: Coordinating schedules can feel like herding cats. Why not let your ATS do that for you? Our scheduling tool streamlines this process, so there's no more endless phone tag and back-and-forth emails just to meet with a candidate.
  • Candidate Tracking and Follow-ups: Do good candidates ever slip through your fingers? An ATS allows you to keep track of where they are in the hiring process. You can also set automated follow-ups and reminders, so no one falls off your radar.

By adopting an ATS like Team Engine, you can leave the spreadsheet behind and quickly move through the recruitment process with confidence.

Top Applicant Tracking Systems

How many applicant tracking systems are there? ATS is utilized by over 98% of Fortune 500 companies, 66% of large organizations, and 35% of small businesses. So it's safe to assume the solutions are plenty…

While there's a broad list of applicant tracking systems out there, some ATS software shines brighter than others when it comes to addressing the specific needs of the blue-collar industry.

What features should you look for in the top applicant tracking systems that work well for the deskless workforce?

Here are a few that are particularly useful for the blue-collar companies navigating the skilled labor shortage:

  • Mobile Accessibility: Being able to access an ATS from a smartphone or tablet while on the job site can make a significant difference in reducing time to hire.
  • Integrated and/or Automated Job Posting: Posting jobs across various platforms automatically helps reach a wider audience of skilled trade workers who are in such limited supply.
  • Pre-Screening Capabilities: Early elimination of candidates who don't have the skills, certifications, or experience you're looking for saves time and resources.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Analytics can highlight where the best candidates are coming from, which is especially beneficial for industries facing labor shortages.
  • Text-based Communication: Important for reaching deskless workers who might not have easy access to email during work hours.
  • Integration with Background Check Services: Streamlines the onboarding process and is especially useful in industries like home services, where customer safety is a priority.
  • Customizable Workflow: Lets employers tailor the hiring process to their unique needs, which can vary greatly in the blue-collar sector.
  • Candidate Relationship Management: Crucial for keeping potential employees engaged. It can keep a pipeline of skilled tradespeople ready for when new vacancies arise.

Many platforms like Greenhouse ATS and Zoho ATS, are well-liked for their features, but they're predominantly designed with white-collar businesses in mind. They might work well in a traditional office setting, but for those who spend their days on bustling job sites or inside humming factories, these tools may not be as effective.

With a firm grasp on the challenges of blue-collar hiring, Team Engine stands out from the crowd, turning the task of recruitment into a well-executed plan.

Best Applicant Tracking Systems For Recruiters

Assembling a winning crew is no easy task, whether you're a recruitment agency or an in-house recruiter. But there certainly is a difference.

When considering the best applicant tracking systems for recruiters, it's important to remember that not all systems are built the same.

Five of the best applicant tracking systems for recruiters are:

  1. Bullhorn ATS: Used extensively by large recruiting agencies, Bullhorn ATS is renowned for its intuitive, fully integrated recruiting software. It's not industry-specific and scales well with business size.
  2. JobDiva: Used by many global staffing agencies. Known for its patented search-and-match feature, it's not tailored to any specific industry but supports large-scale recruitment operations.
  3. iCIMS Talent Cloud: Popular for its scalability, this platform is not industry-specific and is well-suited to large recruiting agencies for full-lifecycle candidate management.
  4. Zoho Recruit: Famed for its customizable workflows and automation capabilities, Zoho Recruit is not designed for any specific industry, but effectively supports large-volume recruitment.
  5. SmartRecruiters: This Enterprise Talent Acquisition Suite is known for its user-friendly interface and is used by large recruitment agencies across various industries.

Recruitment agencies need robust ATS systems for recruiting a high volume of candidates. They require candidate tracking tools to effectively manage an extremely large pool of potential employees for a variety of clients.

On the other hand, in-house recruiters in blue-collar industries often work closely with operations — so they need an ATS that is user-friendly and can integrate with their existing workflow.

They'll need to manage candidates, yes, but on a much smaller scale. For in-house recruiters and HR teams, features tailored to their individual business needs will be a bigger priority.

For instance, a user-friendly ATS that can easily integrate with existing HRIS and payroll systems would take priority over a complex system with lots of extra bells and whistles.

The implications for choosing the right ATS are huge. Research shows that it can take an average of 42 days to fill a position when using manual methods. But with an optimized ATS, the time to fill can be slashed drastically.

For small to medium-sized employers in construction, manufacturing, home services, and other blue-collar industries, Team Engine offers a powerful suite of tools to make candidate relationship management as simple as possible.

If the labor shortage has you wondering how to keep up with hiring demands, get your risk-free trial here.

If you’re committed to providing a better, more engaging employee experience, Team Engine makes it possible.