Lessons in Talent Management & Acquisition

Talent management lessons we learned over the past 12 months that we’re carrying forward with us into the new year.

Lessons in Talent Management & Acquisition

As we all pause to reflect on accomplishments and learnings from 2022—while also setting goals for the new year ahead—it can be enlightening to hear how others have grown and improved over the past 12 months. So we asked our partners and their clients what lessons they learned in 2022 that they’re carrying forward with them in 2023 and compiled their replies below.

Your people are everything. They must be placed first in every instance, no matter what. If you take care of them, they'll take care of you!

Eric Thomas, Rival Digital

Most contractors wait WAY too long to replace people once they have identified them as not being the right person for the company or the role. Hire slow, fire fast. Don't settle for average if you want to be more than average.

Greg Hayne, Hayne Coaching Group

I'm carrying forward with transparent communication with my team. When everyone is on the same page and transparency is a top priority, miscommunication is essentially eliminated, the team works better together, the pride of workmanship increases, and everyone is happier for it.

Nicole Henry, CompanyCam

I learned that quality results can be delivered by virtual workers with minimal overhead commitment on my part. After this year's excellent results I will be hiring more virtual workers. I select the skills I need, the deadlines for completion and the price per hour (or project.) Results: Great quality, reliability and price. Less than 1/2 of what I paid previously with less management time required.

Alison Hoffman, The Harvest Group

Conduct research before making any important decisions.

Ben Molenda, Best Human Capital & Advisory Group

A strong team that is working together can accomplish great things.

Heidi J. Ellsworth, RoofersCoffeeShop

You have to be a data-driven decision maker. Allowing fear, emotion, or "gut feelings" to dictate your actions as a business leader is one of the surest ways to get it wrong.

Alex Chausovsky, Miller Resource Group

Flexibility amongst both employers and employees will always be essential for success in the workplace.

John Paganini, CrewTracker Software

Career paths should be visual and dynamic. Incorporating video interviews of different company positions is a great way to give an entry-level employee the inspiration to say “I know him, I can get to the position if I apply myself.”

Loren McIrvin, Allied Landscape

Repetition in communicating a message and channel used to communicate it makes a measurable difference in it being digested by the team especially in times of uncertainty.

Cullen Talley, Exit Momentum

Take care of your people and they will take care of the business.

Nancy O'Hare-Zika, Yellow Dog Creative

There are only 24 hours in a day and we all have the same amount of time. We need to be very intentional about how we use that time because it is precious. Priorities need to be blocked on your calendar or the important things will go undone and distractions will fill the day. I encourage everyone to take charge of their time and stop falling victim to circumstances. We can be in control (most of the time).

Linda Ratner, Ratner Consulting

One big thing we are carrying forward into 2023 is the importance of taking time for ourselves to pause, reflect, and reset. We live in such a fast-paced world that it can be easy to forget to take care of our own mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing. However, this year we have seen firsthand how beneficial it is to make time for activities that help us relax and recharge—from reading books or going for a walk outside, to learning to meditate and spend time with family and friends.

Scott & Kati Molchan, Million Dollar Landscaper

I work for my employees; they don't work for me. My job is to remove obstacles and ensure their success. Great employees want to work and know that someone will get crap out of their way that slows them down and isn't a part of their job.

Derrik Shakespear, busybusy.com

Once your pay and benefits are in a good ballpark, things like company culture and career advancement are what drive employees' decisions to stay at their current company or be attracted to another.

Jack Jostes, Ramblin Jackson

To hear more expert advice from our partners, check out these other blog posts they contributed to:

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