Onboarding Automation

The benefits of using onboarding automation tools, what to consider when selecting onboarding automation software, and other ways to improve your onboarding process.

Hire Faster & Retain Employees Longer

To win the war on talent, you need a lightning-fast hiring process and a fail-proof system for consistent communication with candidates and employees alike. Team Engine helps you attract more applicants, hire them quicker and—crucially—keep them engaged throughout their tenure.

Find and hire great people

Automate the redundant tasks in your hiring process so you can add value where it matters most.

Motivate and retain quality employees

Get new hires off to a good start with structured one-on-ones and the opportunity to give feedback on the experience.

Execute and continuously improve

Build connectedness across your company to get work done, create efficient processes, and nurture a culture of growth and development.

Capture More Business & Avoid Costly Turnover

Turnover is expensive, decreases productivity, and even leads to loss of business due to capacity. Curb those turnover costs and improve employee retention with Team Engine.

Centralized Recruiting Hub

Accelerate Time-to-Hire

More Engaged Staff

Improve Employee Communication

Inefficient Processes & Poor Communication are Degrading Your Employee Experience

Everyday we talk to companies who are wasting thousands of dollars on job boards, when they could be sourcing more broadly to find the right people; hiring more quickly to beat their competition; and onboarding new hires more effectively. With Team Engine, you can deliver a more engaging experience—beginning to end—for your most valuable company asset.

Trusted by

33% of employees point to a lack of up-front communication as having the most negative impact on employee morale.

Give your workforce a direct line of communication with leadership that makes it comfortable and easy for them to ask questions. Keep your staff informed (without burdening managers) using Team Engine’s text & email automations.

1 in 3 people check their text notifications within 1 minute.

It’s a lose-lose situation when you work hard to keep your employees involved and informed, but they never see or respond to the messages. Team Engine makes it easy to reach the right people at the right time on the right channel to make sure no one ever misses an announcement again.

96% of job applicants opt in to text message communication.

Team Engine has texting built-in throughout your interactions with applicants, employees, or referrals. You don’t have to use your own cell phone and everyone on the leadership team can see the communication in one place.

Employee turnover costs between $4,00 - $6,000 per employee.

Most attrition occurs within the first 30-90 days, so it’s critical to get employees off to a good start. Team Engine’s built-in automations make personalizing every employee’s onboarding experience a breeze.

Built to Manage an On-The-Go Workforce

Whether you have an HR Department Of One handling all the functions of employees’ tenure, or you’re managing HR teams across multiple locations, or you fall somewhere between—Team Engine was built to help companies just like yours build a distributed, deskless workforce that stays for the long term.

Onboarding Automation

Onboarding automation, a revolutionary advancement in human resource practices, has garnered significant attention due to its ability to streamline and optimize employee onboarding processes. This innovative approach utilizes technology to automate tasks associated with introducing new employees to an organization, thereby reducing the time and effort devoted by HR professionals to these activities. By leveraging onboarding automation tools, companies can provide a smoother, more efficient experience for their incoming workforce while simultaneously enhancing their organizational capabilities.

Employee onboarding automation focuses on automating aspects of the initial hiring process that typically require manual effort from HR personnel. Examples of tasks that can be automated include resume review, interview scheduling, paperwork completion, background checks, benefits enrollment, and IT asset allocation. By transferring responsibility for these activities to software systems, organizations can minimize errors and ensure consistency across all new hires. Moreover, automated employee onboarding allows HR staff to concentrate on more strategic initiatives such as talent development and workplace culture enhancement.

To effectively automate onboarding procedures within an organization, it is essential for businesses to carefully evaluate their existing processes and identify areas where automation may yield substantial benefits. This could involve rethinking traditional approaches entirely in favor of more streamlined methods suited for technological integration. For instance, rather than relying on paper forms or email during pre-employment stages, companies might opt for electronic document submission via secure portals designed specifically for personnel management purposes.

Another important consideration when deploying automated employee onboarding software is the need for ongoing maintenance and updates as organizational needs evolve over time. This entails regular review of processes by HR teams in order to identify opportunities for improvement and to ensure compliance with changing regulations.

Onboarding automation presents a transformative opportunity for organizations seeking to optimize their employee onboarding processes while also increasing workforce satisfaction. By carefully assessing existing procedures, selecting suitable HR onboarding software, and maintaining a commitment to continuous improvement, businesses can successfully incorporate automated employee onboarding into their HR strategies to realize significant benefits in terms of time savings, error reduction, and overall employee experience.

Automated Onboarding Process

The vast amount of technological advancements in the digital age have revolutionized virtually every aspect of the corporate world, including the employee onboarding process. An automated onboarding process not only streamlines and simplifies this essential aspect but also ensures seamless integration of new employees into the organization. This innovative approach has numerous benefits, such as reducing costs, boosting productivity, and enhancing employee satisfaction.

One of the most crucial components in ensuring a successful automated onboarding process is having an employee onboarding checklist. This comprehensive list contains all the necessary steps and procedures that new hires must undergo, from orientation sessions to training programs. It acts as a roadmap guiding both the employer and the employee toward achieving desired goals. It also allows HR managers to monitor progress and identify areas that need improvement or customization according to individual needs. A well-structured onboarding process for new employees plays an integral role in retaining talent and reducing turnover rates.

Improve Onboarding Process

In today’s fast-paced, hyper-competitive labor market, organizations must have an effective onboarding process in place for newly hired employees. Such a process can streamline the integration of new staff members into the organization, but also improve overall productivity and employee retention rates. With this goal in mind, it becomes increasingly important to identify areas where the onboarding process may be lacking and implement strategies that will improve its effectiveness.

→ Sample Onboarding Plan for New Employees

A major aspect of an effective onboarding process is preparing a comprehensive orientation program which should include a detailed overview of the company culture, expectations, policies, procedures, and any necessary training materials that will aid in the smooth transition of new hires into their roles. Business owners must also understand the value of establishing a clear line of communication between new employees and their supervisors or mentors during this period to help new hires feel more at home.

Another significant element of staff onboarding that should not be overlooked is setting realistic expectations and providing adequate support for new hires as they acclimate to their positions. This may involve regular check-ins with supervisors or team members, providing opportunities for feedback and improvement throughout the first few months on the job. Equipping new employees with the tools and resources they need to succeed in their roles can significantly enhance the effectiveness of an organization's onboarding efforts.

Offering ongoing professional development opportunities such as workshops, seminars, or online courses can empower these individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in their positions. Incorporating team-building activities into the onboarding process can also prove valuable when aiming to create a cohesive work environment where collaboration thrives. By fostering strong relationships among staff from day one, organizations instill a sense of camaraderie that can ultimately lead to higher levels of engagement and satisfaction.

Employee Onboarding Solutions

Team Engine

Team Engine is a powerful employee onboarding tool designed to simplify the onboarding process for blue-collar, deskless workforces. It excels in streamlining time-consuming tasks like paperwork, training, and communication. One of Team Engine’s standout onboarding features is its customizable onboarding checklist, which helps ensure that all necessary steps are completed which greatly reduces compliance risks.


An online onboarding platform known for its ease of use, WorkBright is another great choice for blue-collar industries. It offers a user-friendly mobile app, allowing employees to complete forms and documentation from smartphone devices, even without a reliable internet connection. However, WorkBright’s reporting and analytics features may not be as advanced as some competitors’, limiting insights into the onboarding process.


A versatile employee onboarding solution suitable for a variety of industries, BambooHR’s strength lies in its integration capabilities. While great at simplifying certain administrative HR tasks, it may require some additional customization to cater to the exact needs of your organization.

These employee onboarding solutions vary in their strengths and weaknesses, which is why it’s important to evaluate your organization’s priorities. Choosing the right online onboarding tools depends on the specific requirements and budget constraints of your business.

Automated Onboarding Software

Automated onboarding software is an innovative solution that can streamline the process of bringing new employees into an organization. This cutting-edge technology saves time and resources by automating tasks that were previously handled manually, improving both the efficiency and the effectiveness of the employee integration process.

With a growing number of businesses adopting these tools to facilitate seamless transitions for new hires, it is crucial to understand the variations in onboarding automation software and how they impact the overall employee experience.

One critical aspect of automated onboarding software is its ability to create personalized experiences for each user, tailored to their specific needs and job roles. This targeted approach ensures new hires receive relevant information, training, and support as they embark on their journey with a new organization.

Employee onboarding software often includes features like customizable workflows, progress tracking, reporting tools, and integration with other HR systems. These functionalities empower HR teams to keep track of onboarding progress while delivering timely assistance when required.

Another noteworthy component of automated onboarding software is its capacity for compliance management. Ensuring regulatory adherence is vital for any organization hiring new staff members. By incorporating compliance-related tasks within the automated onboarding workflow, companies can significantly reduce risks associated with non-compliance issues such as fines or penalties.

Adopting automated onboarding software can considerably enhance an organization's recruitment efforts while improving overall employee satisfaction during their initial days at work. The benefits of using these advanced tools include increased efficiency through streamlined processes, cost savings on administrative tasks, personalized employee experiences, and compliance management.

As the modern workforce continues to evolve, leveraging innovative technology like Team Engine's onboarding automation software is crucial for businesses to stay ahead of the curve and ensure they provide a welcoming environment for their newest team members.

If you’re committed to providing a better, more engaging employee experience, Team Engine makes it possible.