On-demand virtual landscaping education & professional development


About GrowTheBench

GrowTheBench provides green industry-specific content with an ever-growing library of educational topics, taught by leaders in the industry. In addition, they facilitate peer groups with business owners and other industry leaders to gain perspective and learn best practices from each other.


How GrowTheBench can help you


Leadership Development

Teaching soft skills for management & leadership

On-Board New Hires

Help teach new hires about the industry so they can be successful in their careers

Connect Green Industry Leaders

Bring leaders together through events, peer groups, and mastermind calls to reflect on best practices and help each other grow


How GrowTheBench works with Team Engine


GrowTheBench and Team Engine work hand in hand to help landscaping and snow removal businesses grow and sustain profitability. We share the goal of providing the tools needed to attract top-tier talent, engage your employee base, and provide the necessary tools needed to grow your business.


What GrowTheBench clients say


Interested in learning more?

Check out GrowTheBench’s website to learn more about their service.

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